Download page is not easy to use

I intended to download a openEuler RISC-V release, but I found 2 issues. Please check if they make sense.

  1. the menu is weird.
    Download → Get openEuler OS → , Here I didn’t see which to click as ISO image was not there.

And I don’t understand why “get openEuler OS” includes “OS”.

  1. search doesn’t work.
    I tried to search by “download RISC-V release”, but openEuler 24.03 LTS download was not there.

And the words “release” and “edition” are both used in the pages. It would be better to use only one term.

Thank you for your feedback

  1. We are working on fixing the weird menu
  2. When we search for “download RISC-V version”, the download page is not at the top of the results, but the download page is ranked third or fourth. We try to better optimize the weight of search and try to add version (openEuler 24.03 LTS) information.

1、We have refactored the download page,the ISO image is clearly visible on this download page.

2、When we search for “download RISC-V version”,the download page is at the top of the results, and we also changed the classification of search results to make search results more clearer.

Thank you for your great advice.