微信,在OpenEuler上可有能用的版本?在 dnf search 和 oepkgs.net 上,好象都没搜出什么结果,不管是搜weixin, 还是搜wechat
Ubuntu都有了wine版 与 electron版可用的。
微信,在OpenEuler上可有能用的版本?在 dnf search 和 oepkgs.net 上,好象都没搜出什么结果,不管是搜weixin, 还是搜wechat
Ubuntu都有了wine版 与 electron版可用的。
小马哥的OpenCloudOS 9.2里,也有微信了,但他们做的没有OpenEuler好,连我的Thinkpad T490上的wifi卡都识不了, ‘iw dev’ 报 ‘nl80211 not found’, 好象编译内核时就没支持wifi, 痛苦。
wifi问题,你先看看lspci -nvs 设备是不是识别了iwlwifi但是没有in use
然后看dmesg | grep -i wifi是不是固件报错
谢谢回复。rfkill 也报错。小马哥家的群里说,这个月底,会出新编译的内核,加上wifi功能。对了,前两天我也试装了马二哥家的Anolis 23.1, 那里面的深度桌面,好象比OpenEuler 24.03里的稳定些, 玩了一两天,没出现卡死等情况。
可以用这个试试, 修改的专供版, x86的debian可以用, 其他的没试过
腾讯好象推出了微信测试版,rpm包能在OpenEuler上正常安装运行: https://linux.weixin.qq.com 喜大普奔!
如意玲珑,是个好东西。看到别栏推荐,前两天试了试,但在Ubuntu 24.04 下面,如意玲珑安装的app里,我经常无法用ctrl-space输中文(我用的是小企鹅输入法fcitx)
linglong-bin x86_64 1.7.0-1 copr:eur.openeuler.openatom.cn:kamiyadm:linglong 7.1 M
linglong-box x86_64 1.7.0-1 copr:eur.openeuler.openatom.cn:kamiyadm:linglong 233 k
linglong-builder x86_64 1.7.0-1 copr:eur.openeuler.openatom.cn:kamiyadm:linglong 906 k
Installing dependencies:
erofsfuse x86_64 1.7.3-1 copr:eur.openeuler.openatom.cn:kamiyadm:linglong 75 k
erofsutils x86_64 1.7.3-1 copr:eur.openeuler.openatom.cn:kamiyadm:linglong 119 k
linglong-installer x86_64 copr:eur.openeuler.openatom.cn:kamiyadm:linglong 20 k
yaml-cpp x86_64 0.7.0-2.oe2403 everything 128 k
Install 7 Packages
Total download size: 8.5 M
Installed size: 34 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
[MIRROR] erofsutils-1.7.3-1.x86_64.rpm: Interrupted by header callback: Inconsistent server data, reported file Content-Length: 121469, repository metadata states file length: 121773 (please report to repository maintainer)
[MIRROR] erofsfuse-1.7.3-1.x86_64.rpm: Interrupted by header callback: Inconsistent server data, reported file Content-Length: 76273, repository metadata states file length: 76577 (please report to repository maintainer)
[MIRROR] erofsfuse-1.7.3-1.x86_64.rpm: Interrupted by header callback: Inconsistent server data, reported file Content-Length: 76273, repository metadata states file length: 76577 (please report to repository maintainer)
[MIRROR] erofsutils-1.7.3-1.x86_64.rpm: Interrupted by header callback: Inconsistent server data, reported file Content-Length: 121469, repository metadata states file length: 121773 (please report to repository maintainer)
[FAILED] erofsutils-1.7.3-1.x86_64.rpm: No more mirrors to try - All mirrors were already tried without success
(2-3/7): linglong-bin-1.7.0-1.x86_64.rpm 3% [=- ] 1.3 MB/s | 315 kB 00:06 ETA